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 Learn Windows Server 2016 and Vmware vSphere 6.5
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Posted on 01-08-18 2:00 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have a friend who is going to start a class on Windows server 2016 and VMware vSphere 6.5. Anybody interested can join his class. Time and schedule is determined by his availability. He is in CST time zone and works 8 am to 5 pm weekdays so based on that, the class will be scheduled.You have to pay for the class, there are two courses which he covers so anybody who is new and wants to pursue career in IT can take this class. Few points:

What the course is about:

1. It is an Online class.
2. It will cover 2 courses. First is windows server 2016 and its management; second is, Vmware vSphere 6.5 and its management.
3. Charges will be $700 for the total courses (Both courses). Both courses will be completed in 2.5 to 3 months maximum.
4. He will not do any proxy interview or place you in job. You have to find job yourself.
5. First demo class is free and if you think of joining the class, you have to pay to his paypal account to continue. Whole $700 is due on the second class.

Who can join:

1. Anybody, either you are already in computer field or not, you can join the class.
2. He will teach from the basics. You can ask as many questions you want.
3. If you do not understand the lesson in English, he can help you explain in Hindi too. Sorry he does not know any other language except Hindi and English, yes, not even nepali.

What you have to do while learning the course:

1. You have to spend at least 4-5 hours a day studying his material.
2. Do not think he will cover everything. It is impossible. But he will guide you and you have to have the keen desire to succeed so you have to put your extra labor and research and study on your self pace.

What after this course:

1. You must take Cloud courses if you really want to progress further and make your foot in IT. It can be aws cloud or azure or any thing else.
2. If you do not wish to continue towards cloud, you can find job in whatever you learnt, but it will be a bit competitive to get a job.
3. For AWS cloud, I can refer a good teacher for you. He (the cloud teacher) charges you in about $500.

AWS Course:

If you take that course, it will surely land you a job. No doubt based on current market. And for that proxy is also available.

When the class is starting?



1. No guarantee of job or any placement. It depends on the hunger of the student to succeed. If you have hunger, there is no way any body can stop you getting job.
2. Take this course purely based on your desire for education. Trust me, you will benefit a lot. If you take this course to get a job, you will benefit less.

Who am I?

+12 years of experience in IT. Worked through various technology in IT in the field of infrastructure. I have worked as a QA/BA, Windows Admin, Vmware Admin, and working as AWS public cloud architect, implemented VMware private cloud in my company successfully. Implemented hybrid cloud, worked in storage and networking technologies and many more. Now even putting my foot in Artificial Intelligence technology.
Yes, I am a pure nepali originally from Nepal.

Who the teacher is?

He worked with me in the same team in the same company for 2 and half years. So I know who he is and what he knows. He has 15+ years experience in IT infrastructure technology.

Any question you have PM me. No questions will be answered if you post in public. Because I know sajha has so many people who try to divert the topic based on the fancy logic. Sorry.


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