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 C++ Help
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Posted on 12-19-08 7:17 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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  ey Techguy Bro n thapa bro
Thnx for the post. Can you do me one more of a favor? I need this done man and I have no idea what C is all about..
1. What does the following code display?

int arr[4], i;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i)
for (i=0; i<4; ++i)
   cout<<setw(4) << arr[i];

for ( i=3; i >=0; --i)
    cout<<setw(4)  << arr[i];

2. Write a loop to display only the elements of d_array[10] having an even number subscript starting from zero..
3. Declare a two dimensional array, arr_2d, that contains 15 rows, each of which will store 12 integers

5. declare a string called birth_date that is to hold a date in the form of xx/xx/xx. code statements that prompts the user to enter his/her birth date in the form xx/xx/xx and place birth date into the string birth_date

6. Declare an array of character pointers that is initialized to point to the name of the months of the year..

Posted on 12-19-08 9:55 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Techguy has gone to Nepal. Now is the time that you do your homework yourself hehe. J/K
Posted on 12-19-08 10:56 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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dude if  you asking help for those simple questions in C and C++ and you dont have idea about declaring variable in C++ then you wont pass in Programming language class. Do some study before you post your homework and looking for sajha gurus.

good luck

Posted on 12-19-08 11:30 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I'm wondering why u even took this class..Anyway this could be of some help to you
1. Run the program and see the output(hope atleast u know how to compile and run)
2. I guess the second question means displaying the even numbers in the d_array[]
    so even numbers r mods of 2 .
    ie. divide by 2 and the remainder is 0
      I dont remember the exact syntax for mod in C++, i think its %.
     Write the code on ur own and let us know...we can see where u've done wrong.
 3. Do this on ur own.Post it..and we will tell u if thats right or wrong
4. where is 4?

5..  just declare a string...and do cin>>. let us know what u did.
 6. I'm bad with pointers that too in c++. This could be of some help


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