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 iTunes help please
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Posted on 01-02-08 1:12 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I had songs in my ipod in my laptop's itunes software, I re-installed my OS so all my songs library in my laptop is gone, but I have those songs in my ipod. So, now i want to transfer to ipod songs to my itunes but it says ipod can only be synced to one itune library, and askes me to delete all my songs in ipod.

My question is how do i transfer songs from my ipod to itunes? how do i back up my songs from my ipod?

Help is greatly appreciated.



Posted on 01-02-08 1:23 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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As far as I know, you cannot transfer the playlists from IPOD into your computer. You need to have the songs in your computer hard drive or any other storage device. It is a one way traffic. Ipod is only a media player with no interface to transfer its content to other computers. If you are happy with your current playlists, you can just charge it using the USB port or a simple wall charger. Or the best way, make a new I Tunes library in your new computer and make a backup in CD or external hard drive. I hope it helps.
Posted on 01-02-08 1:24 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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As far as I know, you cannot transfer the playlists from IPOD into your computer. You need to have the songs in your computer hard drive or any other storage device. It is a one way traffic. Ipod is only a media player with no interface to transfer its content to other computers. If you are happy with your current playlists, you can just charge it using the USB port or a simple wall charger. Or the best way, make a new I Tunes library in your new computer and make a backup in CD or external hard drive. I hope it helps.
Posted on 01-02-08 1:31 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I am pretty sure I transfered songs from my frens ipod once in my computer once. forgot how to. So I can only transfer songs from my ipod to a cd? I have like 4 gb worth of songs though, it wont fit in a disk. thanks for your help

Posted on 01-02-08 1:36 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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If that is the case, there must be some software that enables you to do that. Itunes itself doesn't have such interface. But as they say, there is always a loophole, eh!

Good luck finding the way!!!

Posted on 01-02-08 1:43 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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i think i copied a whole folder from his ipod folder and then synced it with itunes. But the thing is I cannot find the music folder in my ipod. argh this is so frustrating. i wonder why apple did this. why cant they just have a copy paste system like other mp3 players. this is bullsh!t if I have to erase all the content of my ipod to sync. help please, i have a long drive tomorrow :(

Posted on 01-02-08 1:49 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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dude it's so simple.

first thing is that ur ipod comes with factory default to b syned automatically with ur itunes library. so in order to avoid the deletion of ur songs, first set it to manually sync. u can do this once u connect ur ipod and go to the ipod window.

second thing u can transfer ur songs in ipod to ur computer but for that u've to enable ur hidden folders. the songs are in hidden folders. then u can easily copy and paste all ur songs to ur computer.

good luck.

Posted on 01-02-08 2:18 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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thanks a lot man, i think it is working. your a lifesaver :)

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