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Posted on 05-12-06 2:10
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Its getting to be summer in most part of the world, while Nepal is witnessing a massive politicalization in her administration. Someone tell me is this what the government is suppose to do? Just get your monopoly while you can, irrespective of how rediculous it seems. What happenned to the governments that used to pass bills to actually help the country rather than their person ego and pockets. This government will one day pass on as well. Should the next government call back all the dignitaries from the previous appointment. Ladies and gentleman this is fu(king childish, and plain old dumb! While I am at it, I would like to give a big fu(k you to all the people who yelled FOR the change of government before there was this change. I want those co(k suckers to come out of the hiding and tell why is this system of monopoly and kinship is better than the previous one. Take some goddamn responsibility, fu(king gay cocks.
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Posted on 05-12-06 2:42
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i hear you.. This cycle of undoing what the previous administration is "cultural" in Nepal. There will be the government, they will do some good and some bad things and then the government is thrown out the next incoming government wipes the entire slate clean and start from scratch. Does this make sense for the betterment of the nation, of course not but who has national interest in mind? No one. They do not have a concept of lets build from where the previous administration left off but noooo they wont do it simply no one knows how to govern and are looking out for themselves. And who says it is not benefiting Nepali? They and their cronies are Nepali too..
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Posted on 05-12-06 3:09
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That's the reason why government offices go through complete makeover in their employees as the government changes. That's the reason why we have unfinished development projects everywhere in Nepal. Unfinished roads, unfinished electricity projects, unfinished water projects...................... unfinished dreams. A country led by ignorant and stupid leaders with followers equally if not more ignorant and stupid. Nepal really is a grazing field with few idiot shepherds controlling all bhedas.
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Posted on 05-12-06 5:07
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I find it really funny and insulting at the same time when Nepalese talk about Nepal and fellow countrymen in the third person. I think its a shame, to be honest. Pasu, so what the heck are you going to do about this country thats "led by ignorant and stupid leaders with followers equally if not more ignorant and stupid." What's YOUR responsibility towards this country which has become a "grazing field with few idiot shepards controlling all bhedas." Got any answers mate?
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Posted on 05-12-06 10:00
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Posted on 05-13-06 6:40
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Proof of principle! We are all passive creatures. As I have mentioned in various forms in my previous posts, we love to sit around and do nothing. We try so hard to look concerned, even pretend to be intelligent and give our advice when it doesn't concern ourselves. How about we heed those advice ourselves? Is there anyone reading this who loves this country? You heard me right, is there "so called nepalese" who love Nepal? Someone asked a very important question once, "whats a country without its countrymen?" Have we run out of countrymen? I think Nepal has just exists in texts that we read in school and essays we write to have our applications processed. Some of us even have managed to get a little money trying to sell the poverty Nepal is facing today with fall promises that the money in some way and form will be used to help her in the long run. In both cases, we have been selling this country that we were suppose to call our own. Nepal has become a "beshya" and we are all "dalals." Two more questions for this session. How does it feel to live a life lacking in responsibility for your country? How does it feel to live a life of a leech whose job in life is merely to suck blook out of the body that hosts it. I hope you sleep well, as I sure hell can't. Hope you have a good weekend.
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Posted on 05-13-06 6:52
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ए पाखण्डी (hypocrite) भिन्सेन्ट बोडेगा, तिमीले भनेको कुरा एकदन सही हो। तर अहिले आएर घाँटी सुक्ने गरी चिच्याउँदै हारगुहार गर्नुको केही अर्थ छ? लाज लाग्दैन? अस्ति ज्ञाने महाराजले मनपरी गर्दा तिम्रो principle कहाँ थियो? ल ल बुँझे, बुँझे two wrongs can not make it right crap. समय अनुसार हाम्रो समाज र सरकारको प्रणाली आफै परिस्कृत हुँदै जानेछ। त्यसको लागि दिर्घ लोकतन्त्र जरुरी छ।
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Posted on 05-13-06 7:18
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chakku, If you want me to defend Monarchy then I will. If you want me to put Monarchy down and defend dictatorship, I will perform that too with my utmost ability. This is not about political beliefs. This is about my country. You questioned my motive in this. My motive is to have people start thinking (read on if you want to know about what). You also asked how come I am not ashamed. Let me put this question of yours in perspective. What I have done here is shown the nepali communities living abroad (including myself) a mirror. If you are grossed out by your own reflection in that mirror, I dont think its my fault that you have groomed yourself that way. Going back to my motive behind this... A friend of mine told me that this is a very interesting time in Nepal, with the whole constituent assembly and all the hoopla thats surrounding it. My friend's excitement was almost contagious. The reason I say almost is because it didnt quite have the effect on me. I think its a very sad time for Nepal and Nepalese. We are fighting this same "war" that will not even matter to the commoner. In the name of loktantra and republic state and monarchy we are fooling ourselves that these system will automatically take us into the state of development and gain. I feel guilty even to write about this, let alone believe in it and convince people to rally behind this notion. One thing that my friend did manage trigger in me is my pride to be a Nepali. Not that it was not there to start with, but I never thought I needed to show it around. I think its time and its never been a better time to advocate that pride. With that pride comes the responsibility to question and challenge what these so called political leaders have been trying to brain wash the people with. So, I am here questioning each and everyone of you who wants a political revolution in Nepal AS A MEANS TO BENEFIT NEPAL AND NEPALESE. Wheres Mr. Nepe today and that gay co(k who swore on this very website to go back and take part in politics to do "good" for the country. Take some responsibility for another disaster of a move in Nepali history.